David Cook was really sweet. He signed autographs, posed for pictures, and even asked a couple of little girls to sign an autograph for him. David Archuleta was equally as sweet, and so adorable! He laughed and blushed the entire time he signed autographs and talked to fans. You could tell he's genuinely overwhelmed with excitement about the whole 'Idol' experience. I only wish I could have got my picture with him, as that was my goal for the day, but he only had time to sign. Jason Castro was his usual goofy self, and very nice. Brooke and Kristy were nice as well.
The show itself was a lot of fun! The set-list wasn't nearly as good as last years (season 6) show, but my family and I really enjoyed it. Everyone sounded good live, but the showstopping performances belonged to the top 3. Syesha sang an excellent version of Beyonce's "Listen," David Archuleta wowed the crowd with "Angels," "Apologize" and "When You Say You Love Me," and David Cook rocked each-and-every song he sang!
After the show, we talked to David Archuleta, Jason, Brooke, and Kristy again. And, we met Syesha, Carly, and Michael Johns (who became BFF with my sister). David was exceptionally cute the 2nd time around. I told him he had a perfect voice, and he laughed and said "Aw no, it's not perfect. Thanks though, thank you very much." And then my sister told him we loved his laugh, and he said, "Aw, thanks. I hate my laugh, but thanks!"
It was a great day. Here are some of my pictures:

I'd like to make it to another stop on the tour, but I don't think that's going to happen. Season 7 was a great season of American Idol, and I'm going to miss it.
PS: I love David Archuleta!
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