Filming has wrapped on Sex and the City: The Movie, but Sarah Jessica Parker, who was also a producer, continues to take charge with the finishing touches.
Sarah was the driving force in putting this movie together, telling Access Hollywood, "Something happened in the spring of 2006 where I thought 'maybe we should revisit this idea?' And, really, I never in a million years thought that I could really put it all back together, and all the pieces. But our goal was to get the four women back on that set and low and behold we did it! And, it was thrilling."
Seeing as Sex and the City:The Movie is SJP's labor of love, she said that she wanted to keep the sacred 'Sex' tradition by releasing the film at the end of May.
"We chose that time, and that date, honestly not because we sort of understood initially that that is the summer blockbuster. But, our show, it started at the beginning of summer."
So, what can the fans expect from the film? According to Sarah it will be a grown-up movie.
"I think they're gonna be happy. I think they're gonna be surprised, and they're gonna feel a lot of sadness and hopefully understand what it is that has happened in carries life. And I think that they're gonna feel a lot of contentment when the movies over."
But the closure (and the prospect of a sequel) is up to the audience.

FYI: Only 53 days left!
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